
twitter: lovers and/or haters

Okay, it's about time to post! I am so inspired, thanks to twitter.

So, issue of the day is: love me, or hate me then unfollow me.

First, let me describe what twitter is all about these days. twitter is all about being open minded, feel free to write what's on your mind without worrying that you're wrong. It's simple, noone's right on twitter, noone's wrong too. Like I said, in twitter you can be anything, you can speak up. You have rights to speak up publicly or through twitter as well.

People has different ideology or I prefer pemahaman. Pemahaman setiap orang berbeda, so we tweet different ways. Kadang pemahaman kita disampaikan dengan cara yg tidak bisa dengan gampang diterima orang banyak. Example given.

This celeb. I must admit, he's smart and very open minded. I like the way he pushes his followers to become more nationalist. I follow him because I feel inspired. But after days, I found out that his tweets is kinda "lebay" sometimes. I admit, I complained most of the time reading his tweets. But, come to think of it, I have to accept what's on his mine. He's open minded, so I try to be one too. The thing is, a few of his followers are now unfollowimg him because of his logical mind. Well, it's okay to unfollow actually. But I kinda disturbed when he's RTing a few tweets from his haters. I mean, is it necessary? In this case, I have to disagree with him. RTing your haters is cruel, I must say. Itu menunjukkan kalo kamu tidak menghargai followers kamu, walaupun mereka benci kamu. They have the rights to tweet whatever they have in mind, like you always do. So, why don't you leave them alone hating you instead of RTing their tweets so everybody would read it and pays sympathy for you. Being inspiring is hard, you made a choice. Live it, ignore your haters. Twitter is a battlefield, you must be strong enough to not fall into temptations. Keep tweeting though. Some still needs your inspirational tweets.

Oh, what a thrill. I hadn't post since last month. Once I posted, I post some ridiculously interesting issue. Thank God for twitter, I'm inspired.

Sorry for being sarcastic. I'm just trying to be honest and speak up my mind. We all have rights to speak. And oh, try to listen. Listening is fun. You don't have to do anything, just listen. See if you can be inspired by what you hear or read.
